
How Long Can A Dog Hold Its Poop

Dog Constipation: Why Your Dog Tin can't Poop

by Brooke Butler, DVM

Is your dog constipated? Do you suspect that he might exist? Have you noticed him straining or non pooping quite equally often equally is normal for him? Constipation is a common result in dogs, and almost of the time, information technology's something that your pet tin recover from adequately chop-chop on his own. However, in some instances, it may exist a good idea to find a handling choice that works for your furry friend to help him along.

Pet seeing a vet for dog constipation

Keep in mind, likewise, that constipation tin can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying trouble. Although this is a lot less common than a simple bout of normal, everyday constipation, there'southward e'er the possibility that there'due south something else going on. If you call back your dog may be sick or none of the usual treatments for constipation are helping him, take him to the vet right away.

Symptoms of Dog Constipation

Property in Poop

Dogs can sometimes hold their poop for a while. If y'all don't see your dog poop for 24 hours, don't panic, just do keep an middle on him. If he goes over 48 hours without pooping, he may be constipated.

Strains While Pooping

If your dog strains a lot while pooping, or if he crouches to poop but then just keeps walking instead of pooping, then he's very likely constipated.

Whines When Trying to Poop

If your dog tries to poop only whines or yelps from pain, and then he may be constipated. He may also have a urinary tract infection or another wellness problem, and you lot should take him to the vet if he'due south in pain.

Poop is Hard and Compacted

Dogs may also be slightly constipated if they are able to poop, but the result is very difficult and compacted. Keep an eye on your dog if this happens to run across if the situation improves or begins to go worse.

Potential Causes of Constipation in Dogs

Eating Also Much Cobweb

Dogs may become constipated if they eat too much fiber. This can sometimes happen from eating low-quality dog foods, but information technology's a lot more than likely to occur if your dog is being fed table scraps.

Non Eating Enough Fiber

On the other mitt, having besides little cobweb can besides cause a domestic dog to get constipated. This is one of the many reasons why it's important to choose a practiced-quality food that is intended for dogs and stick to that when feeding your pet.

Extremely Matted Fur

Dogs whose fur is extremely matted tin become constipated if the fur mats effectually the anus. This problem tin can be prevented entirely by making sure your canis familiaris stays well-groomed and trimmed, specially in his more sensitive areas. If this is happening to your domestic dog, you lot may need a professional groomer or a vet to help y'all become his fur back under control and resolve the trouble.

Enlarged Anal Glands

Dogs with enlarged anal glands may have trouble going to the bathroom normally. Dogs' anal glands should be regularly expressed by a vet or a groomer. Don't try to do this yourself at domicile unless you've had a professional bear witness you how, as it tin injure your dog and may be traumatic for the both of you.

Eating Foreign Objects

If your dog regularly eats rocks, sticks, or other items he shouldn't eat, and then he may develop an obstruction. This can also happen if your canis familiaris eats part of a chew toy. This is a very dangerous situation and must be treated, usually via surgery, past a vet immediately.


Dogs with tumors in the rectum or on the anus may develop an obstacle because of the tumor. This must be treated past a vet and often involves surgery.

Treatments for Dog Constipation

Feed Your Domestic dog Canned Pumpkin

I of the easiest and nearly common at-home treatments for constipation in dogs is to feed them some canned pumpkin. Pumpkin is a loftier-cobweb food and is perfectly safe for a domestic dog to ingest, as long as nothing else has been added to information technology. Buy a can of 100% pure pureed pumpkin in the baking aisle at your grocery shop and mix some into your dog's food. Many dogs will also eat information technology right off of a spoon.

Give Your Dog a Stool Softener

Your vet may tell you to give your dog a stool softener. Some dogs tin take stool softeners meant for humans, simply others should not. This is one of the many reasons why y'all should speak to your vet before medicating your dog, especially with medications that are not originally intended for dog use.

Give Your Canis familiaris More Exercise

Your vet may also advise you simply exercise your dog more for a few days and see if that helps. Many times, dogs will improve their pooping habits if they are taken on longer walks or are engaged in outside play for longer periods of fourth dimension than they're used to. A lack of exercise can contribute significantly to constipation in dogs.

Feed Your Dog Prescription Canis familiaris Food

Your vet might instead suggest yous starting time feeding your dog a prescription dog food that contains more fiber than regular dog nutrient mixtures do. You lot will need to go to the vet to selection up this food the offset time, but you lot may be able to gild it from a service or store with your vet'due south prescription after the fact.


If your dog does not respond to any of these treatments, you may demand to take him to the vet for an enema. This should never be washed at home and should ever be performed by a professional person. Trying to do this at home may issue in severe injury and could fifty-fifty be fatal to your canis familiaris.

Become Help For Your Dog's Constipation

Dogs get constipated often, and most of the time, the problem tin be taken care of with something as simple as a fiddling canned pumpkin or extra h2o for a couple of days. However, if your dog is in pain or seems to exist struggling at all, take him to the vet. This manner, you can receive specific information and care that is catered to your domestic dog's needs, and you won't have to keep wondering whether or not you'll exist able to treat his constipation before it gets also bad. Be sure to practice this particularly if your canis familiaris goes more than than two days without being able to poop, every bit he can develop an obstruction apace subsequently this fourth dimension.

Call your nearest VEG location if you take any questions or concerns near your pet. You lot volition always speak with qualified veterinarians who are happy to assistance.


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