
How Long Do Pet Rats Live

How Long Do Rats Live

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How long do rats live?

In gild to answer this question it's important to sympathize at that place's a difference between wild rats constitute in nature and the pet rats found in your local pet store.

There are two species of wild rats, the Norway Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) and the Roof Rat (Rattus Rattus).

Pet rats or "laboratory rats" are called Fancy Rats.

They're actually a domesticated Norway Rat and are not part of the Rattus family.

Fancy Rats have been bread since the 18th and 19th century when rat-catchers trapped rats throughout Europe.

At present, many years afterward Fancy Rats are much different than wild rats.

Temperament, coloration and overall personality makes a Fancy Rat comparable to other pets such as hamsters or guinea pigs......just smarter!

Before we compare the average lifespan of a wild rat vs a Fancy Rat, let's compare the two a picayune closer to larn what factors and characteristics can determine how long a rat volition actually live.

How Long Do Rats Alive - Fancy vs Wild Rats

At that place are two species of wild rats.

The Norway Rat, also chosen the brown rat, and the Roof Rat which is also known equally the black rat.

On average, wild rats live for about 1 - 2 years.

Why is the life of a wild rat so difficult?

Rats have a lot of natural predators such as owls, hawks, play tricks and coyotes merely to name a few.

Plus, wild rats are susceptible to various diseases and they are on a constant mission to notice food, water and shelter.

These reasons brand information technology easy to understand why rats love to invade our home and chop-chop become a nuisance.

The boilerplate habitation makes the perfect nesting spot for a wild rat.

Our homes offering protection from predators, a warm and cozy place to nest, and unremarkably contains an unlimited food source.

Fancy rats are available in many different colors.

While wild rats are typically either black or brownish, Fancy Rats tin be white, cinnamon, multi-colored or even have a blue hue.

Their coloration is not the only affair that separates them from their wild counterpart.

Fancy Rats are much more than comfy around humans and actually make very adept pets.

They are smart, conform well to change and yous can have them just about anywhere.

Fancy Rats take a longer lifespan than wild rats.

On boilerplate, a Fancy Rat volition live between 2-three years with some exceptions up to 4 years.

A lack of natural predators, constant food and h2o and the admission to medial care all play a part in their increased lifespan.

By the age of four most Fancy Rats develop joint bug, tumors or other issues that contribute to their decease.

Overall - How Long Practice Rats Live

When asking the question "How long do rats live?" information technology'southward important to empathise the concrete and environmental differences between wild rats and pet rats.

Although both rats accept a pretty short life span compared to dogs or cats, a pet rat tin can make a bang-up companion, or on the flip side a wild rat can exist a great nuisance depending on your perspective.


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